Welcome to the Dark Nexus Clan!

We Are Recruiting New Members! Apply Now!

We strive for excellence in the gaming world and to build a fun community for all our members and visitors! 🎉

Image We stand with Ukraine against Russia's illegal occupation Image

Recruit ForumsClan tags...

This board is for our newest members. For information, suggestions and for them to hang out in private before they become a full member.
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«DN» President
«DN» President
Posts: 3077
Joined: Thu Oct 08, 2015 3:39 am
Medals: 14
Cash on hand: Locked
Bank: Locked

The King Blue Diamond Heart of the Lion 1K Youtube Master Mad Scientist The Bomb Speaker of the House Web Manager Halloween Participant
You Jelly? Google Drive Santa Hat Halo Division
    Windows 7 Chrome
Group: Administrators
Status: Offline
United Kingdom

Years of Service

«DN»Lasky®’s avatar

Clan tags...


Post by «DN»Lasky® »

Once you have become a recruit of =DN=, your tags will be: =DN=. This helps us to identify you as a member of our clan.

Tags are required when in our servers and this cannot be changed. This makes it easier for us to identify you and to help to prevent fraudulent members pretending to be server administrators when they are not and have never been. We are currently working on a way to prevent them from joining our servers to protect our reputation from being smeared by these individuals.

The only members that are allowed in to our servers without tags are Government members and select few Officers, this is a way for us to check up on the server without any troublemakers/rule breakers knowing we are watching them. This also helps us to stamp out cheaters as well... We may also use this as a way to see how you play, and to help us determine if you are an ideal member. NOTE: We do not decline membership to a lot of potential members unless they have done something very serious, I don't think it is appropriate at this time to list them for security reasons, but the most serious offence that can be committed in =DN= is treason.

This thread may be updated at any time by anyone empowered.
I AM THE TRIGGER HAPPY PWNER, AND THOMAS THE TANK IS MY NAME!! | For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Mr. Custom | Windows 10 Pro | 256GB, 2TB and 1TB m.2 SSD'S | 8TB, 12TB & 14TB Seagate Barracuda's | 64GB DDR4 3200MHz | AMD Ryzen 9 3950X (16/32) @ 3.5GHz | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER (8GB) | Philips 243V 24" @ 1080p + two 20" monitors
64TB NAS SERVER --> MY WEBSITE!! --> «THÖMÅS®©™» ᴳᴬᴹᴱᴿ --> Twitch.TV --> Image: «DN»Lasky®™#5627